Request / check-in / payment

Inquiry / Reservation

Bookings are only binding on receipt of confirmation from the Hotel Thermenoase

Check in

check in: 13.00 to 18.00 h
check out: latest until 11.00 h


Cash, EC-Card, Visa, Eurocard, Mastercard. Preis incl. VAT! Prices valid until 31.12.2022

Payment and
cancellation conditions

We surcharge cancellation fee on delayed arrival or earlier departure. Booking valid acc. the Austrian Hotelreglements! The right to price changes and print mistakes is reserved!

For all Packages: Packages incl. € 1,50 overnight stay tax, incl. € 1,00 tax per person/night. Surcharge for single-room: € 11,– per person/day.

We will be pleased to send you Vouchers and individual Special Offers.

News from the hotel and from the region


Tanken Sie Kraft und Energie für den Alltag!

Herzlich Willkommen in Ihrem Erholungsurlaub in Bad Blumau - im Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark! (more…)

Recharge your batteries for everyday life!

Zeit zum Wohlfühlen

Im Thermen- & Vulkanland Steiermark, nur 65 km südöstlich von Graz, der Hauptstadt der Steiermark, sprudeln die Quellen der sechs Thermenorte Bad Radkersburg, Bad Gleichenberg, Loipersdorf, Bad Blumau, Bad Waltersdorf…

Time for well-being

The Thermen- & Vulkanland Styria is located just 65 km south-east of Graz, the capital of Styria, and is home to the six thermal spa resorts of Bad Radkersburg, Bad…

Hygiene- & Verhaltensmaßnahmen

Nachstehend haben wir die Maßnahmen nach Vorgaben der Bundesregierung zu Covid-19 für Sie zusammengefasst. (more…)

Hygiene & behavioral measures

Below we have summarized the measures according to the guidelines of the federal government regarding Covid-19 for you. (more…)

Book now!

+43 3383 2660